Classes Of The Course On Financial Education Concludes Training

During the first semester of 2024, the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat) held classes 4, 5 and 6 of the course on "Financial Education for Consumers - My Bills Up to Date at Cejusc". The face-to-face activities were held at Cejusc Ulbra, with the participation of Professors Cláudia Maria de Melo, Rogério Lopes da Conceição, Liliane de Moura Borges and Adriano Barreira Andrade, who offered support and guidance to the participants.

The course lasted 20 hours and aimed to provide consumers/Judges with financial education and psychosocial guidance on consumption and ways of dealing with debt, helping to renegotiate the debts of consumers in a situation of over-indebtedness.

Class periods:

Class 4: February 29th to April 1st 

Class 5: April 18th to May 17th 

Class 6: June 6th to July 1st 

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