Registrations Are Open For The Course On Self-Instructional On The Use Of The National Bank Of Penal Measures And Prisons

Registrations are now open for the self-instructional course on how to use the National Database of Penal Measures and Prisons (BNMP 3.0), which will replace the National Prison Monitoring Database (BNMP 2.0) from August onwards. This training is restricted to civil servers, magistrates and Judges of the Judiciary and it will be carried out exclusively through the distance learning platform of the CNJ (National Council of Justice), Ceajud.

The course aims to enable users of the system to record procedural documents, such as arrest warrants, release warrants, detention warrants and detention orders.

To register, you need to fill in a form, which can be accessed via a direct link to CEAJUD, by clicking on "Learn More" when you find the course on the platform. The information filled in will be validated by CEAJUD and, within five working days, those interested who meet the requirement (link to the Judiciary) will be contacted and the access to the course will be authorized.

By decision of the National Council of Justice (CNJ) and the Department for Monitoring and Inspection of the Prison System and the System for the Execution of Socio-Educational Measures (DMF), the course and its materials will not be shared in an environment outside the Ceajud platform, due to the sensitivity of the system and its functionalities.

Check it out for more details:

Course on BNMP 3.0: Training for use

Format: online autoinstructional

Class load: 9 hours

In total, the course has ten modules:

Module 1 - Registration and Basic Functionalities  

Module 2 - Event Registration   

Module 3 - Registration of Tax Returns   

Module 4 – Registration of Certificates   

Module 5 – Registration of Warrants - Several Measures   

Module 6 – Orders of Detention and Discharge 

Module 7 - Registration of Warrants of Monitoring    

Module 8 - Registration of Warrants of Arrest and Recapture    

Module 9 - Registration of Orders of Revocation 

Module 10 - Signing Parts  

To obtain the certificate, a minimum score of 70% is required in the final evaluation and completion of the evaluation on the quality of the training.

In addition to the course, other content is available to support the courts in implementing the solution, such as a user manual and technical documentation aimed at Information Technology (IT) professionals.

The training is part of the functional improvement actions developed by the Justice 4.0 Program, a technical cooperation initiative between the CNJ and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) supported by the Federal Justice Council (CJF), the Superior Electoral Court (TSE), the Superior Labor Justice Council (CSJT) and the Superior Court of Justice (STJ). Justice 4.0 develops disruptive technological solutions to accelerate the digital transformation of the Brazilian Judiciary. Learn more about other courses offered under the program. 

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