Enfam Offers Course On Coordination And Management Of Educational Work In Judicial And Magistrates' Schools

Professionals from the National School for the Training and Improvement of Magistrates (Enfam) and judicial schools who work in educational and pedagogical coordination, supervision and guidance of judicial practice, executive secretaries and managers can take part in the training course on Coordination and Management of Educational Work in Judicial and Magistrates' Schools.

There will be 30 vacancies available for the course, which will take place on July 9th and 10th, in person, with asynchronous activities.

The aim of the training is to enable participants to create action plans and strategies to better conduct their educational and didactic-pedagogical work. It is aimed at planning, articulation, greater participation, reflection and critical positioning, as well as alignment. The course seeks to contribute to improvements in planning and thus enable effective learning. The activities are based on the foundations of educational literature, legal sources relevant to the context, and references from other areas of knowledge.

People interested in taking part should access the registration link.

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