Registrations For The Course On "Fundamental Rights And Gender Perspective In Judgments: Fundamentals And Practices" Closes This Tuesday (June 18th)

Aimed at magistrates, registrations for the course on "Fundamental Rights and Gender Perspective in Judgments: Fundamentals and Practices" closes this Tuesday (June 18th). Those interested in taking part in the training, which will take place virtually from June 18th to July 3rd, can secure their place by clicking here.

The course, which will be taught by Professors Carlos Mendes Rosa, Emilleny Lázaro da Silva Souza and Eduardo Cambi, aims to train the magistracy of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins to act in Courts with jurisdiction to apply the Law No. 11.340 of 2006, as well as to deepen into the guidelines of the Judgment with a Gender Perspective, in order to achieve effective judicial provision in safeguarding fundamental rights.

Click here for more information.

About the professors

Carlos Mendes Rosa is a Psychologist and Adjunct Professor of Psychology at the Federal University of the State of Tocantins (UFT). Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Judicial Provision and Human Rights (UFT/ESMAT). PhD in Clinical Psychology from PUC-Rio with a sandwich internship at the University of Coimbra (2015).

Emilleny Lázaro da Silva Souza is a Lawyer and currently a master's student in Judicial Provision and Human Rights at UFT/ESMAT (2023). The course on "Fundamental Rights and Gender Perspective in Judgments: Fundamentals and Practices" is the result of her master's research.

Eduardo Cambi holds a Master's degree in Law from the Federal University of the State of Paraná (1999) and a PhD in Law from the same institution (2001). Post-Doctorate from the Università degli Studi di Pavia (2007). He is currently an associate Professor and Researcher at the State University of the Northern Paraná. Professor at the College of Law of the Assis Gurgacz University Center (FAG) and the Pan-American College of Administration and Law (FAPAD). Justice of the Court of Justice of the State of Paraná (TJPR).

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