Esmat Promotes Course On Intelligence Analysis

Foto: Hodirley Canguçu

The use of techniques and methodology aimed at producing knowledge on Institutional Security Intelligence is the subject of the course on Intelligence Analysis (Basic Level), which began on Tuesday (May 21st) at the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT).

The course is an initiative of the Center for Intelligence and Institutional Security (NIS) with technical support from ESMAT and aims to train civil servers who work in the Institutional Security Intelligence of the PJTO and civil servers from partner intelligence agencies in the Knowledge Production Methodology, so that with a scientific basis there is a standardization of procedures in the production of intelligence knowledge, will have a class load of 40 hours and will end this Friday (May 24th).

For Justice Pedro Nelson de Miranda Coutinho, coordinator of the NIS and President of the Permanent Commission on Institutional Security, the action will ensure that the production of intelligence knowledge is scientifically based, as well as allowing participants to gain an in-depth understanding of the procedures set out in the Institutional Security Intelligence Doctrine of the Judiciary, as well as strengthening institutional security, promoting integration and effective collaboration between partner institutions.

Also taking part in the course are institutional security intelligence officers from the TJBA, TJPR, TRT-10, TRE-TO, MPAM, MPTO (NIS and Gaeco), PMTO, CBMTO, Military House of the Governorship/TO, Sefaz/TO and Detran-TO.

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