Registrations Are Open For The Course On "People Management, Mental Health And Appreciation"

Registrations are open this Friday (May 17th) and run until June 5th for civil servers and magistrates from the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins who are interested in taking part in the course on "People Management, Mental Health and Valorization". Developed by the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat), the training will take place from June 10th to 12th, with the assistance of Psychoanalyst Carlos Mendes Rosa.

Registrations can be made at clicking here.

The course aims to develop skills and abilities for effective people management, promoting mental health and valuing employees, aiming for individual and collective well-being, as well as increasing productivity and organizational success.

More information can be found at Notice.

About the facilitator

Carlos Mendes Rosa: Post-doctoral student in Psychology at USP. Adjunct Professor of Psychology at the Federal University of the State of Tocantins (UFT). Professor in the Postgraduate Program in Science and Health Teaching at UFT. Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Judicial Provision and Human Rights at UFT/ESMAT. PhD in Clinical Psychology from PUC-Rio with a sandwich internship at the University of Coimbra (2015). Master in Clinical Psychology from PUC-Rio (2012). Specialization in Clinical Psychopathology from the University of the State of São Paulo (2007).

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