On Tuesday (October 17th), the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT) opened the Libras course for Classes I and II. The Brazilian Sign Language is the main form of communication used by hearing-impaired people in Brazil. The target audience is Judges, civil servers and employees of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins, in order to promote social inclusion and guarantee access to public rights and services for deaf people. The training continues until December 5th for both classes.
The course in question was presented by the Permanent Commission for Accessibility and Inclusion (CPAI), as a need to comply with the article 8 of the Resolution No. 401/2021 published by the National Council of Justice.
Libras is an official language of Brazil, recognized by the Law No. 10,436 of 2002, and it is essential that professionals who work with customer service, such as magistrates, civil servers, professors and others, have a basic knowledge of Libras in order to establish more efficient and inclusive communication.
The training continues in distance learning mode with activities via the Virtual Learning Environment of Esmat and also through expository web classes and synchronous dialogic meetings - via the Google Meet Platform - and asynchronous (forums), in order to promote more interaction between student/teacher and student/student, with a total workload of 60 class hours.