This Monday (September 1st), the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT) began classes in the course on Financial Education for Consumers - my bills up to date at Cejusc - Class 2. The target audience for Class 2 is consumers in a situation of over-indebtedness with pre-procedural assistance filed in the Eproc system at the Cejuscs, Cejusc Ulbra or Courts. Taught in hybrid mode and with a class load of 20 hours, the course will continue with its content until October 10th, 2023.
According to the Coordinating Judge of the Cejusc Ulbra – Palmas - TO, magistrate Umbelina Lopes Pereira Rodrigues, the course is part of the Repactuate Project at the CEJUSC, covering financial education and preparing the consumers for collective conciliation hearings with creditors. "We're in the second class of the Financial Education - My bills up to date course. This is an important action by the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins in situations of over-indebtedness," she said.
A total of 42 vacancies were made available, with the aim of providing the consumers with financial education and psychosocial guidance on consumption and ways of dealing with over-indebtedness, in order to help consumers in a situation of over-indebtedness renegotiate their debts, as established by Law no. 14. 181, of July 1st, 2021, which amended the Consumer Defense Code (Law No. 8.078, of 1990), especially article 104-A of the mentioned Law, regarding the collective debt renegotiation process.