Registrations for the Advanced English class, offered by the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT), are open until August 4th. For this class, 30 vacancies are being made available, 5 of which are for magistrates and 25 for civil servers of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins.
Registrations will be made via WEB, at the electronic address esmat.tjto.jus.br. After the registration period, the Academic Secretariat will send an e-mail with the registration confirmation. The registration in more than one course of the Language Center, by the interested party, will be considered invalid and, after the registration period, canceled by the Academic Secretariat.
The other civil servers interested in participating in the course, who are not part of the public defined in the item 3.1 and are interested in participating in the activity, must request registration by e-mail from the Center for Training and Improvement of Civil Servers of Esmat. –
To access the Notice, click here.
To register, click here.
For more information: Center for Training and Improvement of Servers (NUCAS). Telephones: 3218–250 or (63) 9 9237–9467.