On Tuesday (June 27th), the course on Theory and Practice in the State Special Courts for Civil, Criminal and Public Treasury, promoted by the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT), began. The training is being given by the Judge of the Court of Justice of the State of Minas Gerais (TJMG), Maurício Ferreira Cunha.
With a total class load of 23 hours, the course will take place over three days, ending on June 29th. Magistrates and servers from the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins are attending the training in person. Judge Flávia Afini Bovo was present at the opening ceremony.
Divided into four learning modules, the course aims to apply the principles and rules of the Special Courts in judicial activities and in secretarial services, in accordance with the guidelines of the National Council of Justice (CNJ).
This afternoon, the facilitator Maurício covered the following topics: Special Court Microsystem, Conflict of Jurisdiction between the Civil Court and the Special Court, Active Legitimation and Capacity to Act, Passive Legitimation, Intervention of Third Parties and Participation of the State Prosecution.