The students in the fourth class of the Training of Trainers course conclude, this Thursday (June 15th), the activities of part 2 of the Module III, closing yet another stage of their formative journey. The module, entitled "Competence areas of the teacher, didactic transposition and active methodologies", was taught by teacher Ritze Pereira Ferraz da Costa.
In the first part of this block, the participants had the opportunity to deepen their knowledge about the elaboration of meaningful content, methodologies, and techniques for tutoring distance learning courses. In a testimonial, student Ana Carla Bliacheriene, a law professor at the University of the State of São Paulo and a professor of Public Policy Management at the School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities at USP, emphasized the importance of the course and the transformations she has experienced during her participation:
"I have come away with many didactic, pedagogical, but above all human experiences. Very enriching. It is impossible for a person to go through this course without being impacted, without being transformed. So it has been a very positive course. For me, as an education professional, as a teacher, but, above all, as a human being. I am very grateful to Esmat for the opportunity it gave us to come and do this training," she explained.
According to the course coordinator, Judge Wellington Magalhães, the module is dedicated to the challenges of training.
"Through this module, especially focused on the challenges of training and improvement of Judges and servers in the virtual environment, Esmat reaffirms its commitment to the quality of an efficient, effective, and humanistic judicial provision," he commented.
After completing Module III, the students will move on to Level II of the training, which focuses on teacher training and deepening. In August, they will have the opportunity to participate in Module IV, taught by professor Fábio Penezi Póvoa.
The Training of Trainers course has as its main objective the continuous development of specific professional skills for teaching and acting in the planning and execution of training actions in the context of the judiciary.
Aimed at magistrates from the State of Tocantins, magistrates from other States and employees of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins involved in the planning and execution of training activities for Judges and employees, the training seeks to improve the qualification of professionals who will teach in training and improvement courses within the Judiciary. With a total course load of 136 hours, the course, which adopts the hybrid modality, combining classroom and distance learning (EaD) activities, and it will run until September this year.