The Training of the Brazilian Protocol of Forensic Interview (PBEF) - 2023, promoted by the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT), started its activities calendar on April 27th. Aiming to train the professionals accredited to the Managing Group of Multidisciplinary Teams (GGEM), the training aims to improve the theoretical and practical performance in the hearings of Special Depositions of children and adolescent victims or witnesses of violence in court proceedings, using the Brazilian Protocol of Forensic Interview (PBEF).
The training, which has a total of 60 vacancies, is aimed at accredited professionals working in the districts and technical leaders linked to the Management Group of Multidisciplinary Teams (GGEM), in charge of applying the Brazilian Protocol of Forensic Interview (PBEF). The total course class load is 120 class hours, and the method adopted is distance learning (EaD), with classes taught using the Google Meet Platform and the Virtual Learning Environment of Esmat (VLE).
The activities of the Training of PBEF began with Workshop 1, held on April 28th, followed by Workshop 2, on May 4th, which put into practice Module I, addressing the theoretical, conceptual and legal subsidies for the Special Testimony theme. Web class 3, scheduled for May 16th, will bring the development of Module II of the course, which will address the Introduction to the Brazilian Protocol of Forensic Interview and the practices of the hearing of children and adolescent victims and witnesses of violence in the forensic field. The learning activities will be facilitated by Simony Freitas de Melo and Gidair Lopes dos Santos.