Esmat performs the course Dialogue between Psychoanalysis and Law in May

With the goal of understanding how the psychoanalytic theory concepts will be able to add to the Law in litigation solution, expanding the comprehension and perception of the familiar and criminological bonds, the School of Judges of Tocantins (ESMAT) offers the course “Dialogue between Psychoanalysis and Law”, conducted by the professors Carlos Mendes Rosa, Luísa Carvalho Miranda de Lima, having as a coprofessor Franciana Di Fátima Cardoso.

The registers will be done via web by the Academic System of Esmat and occur between the 7th to 24th of April, 2020. The course will count on 50 vacancies, being 30 destined to magistrates of the Judiciary Branch of Tocantins, 15 for advisers from the Judiciary Branch of Tocantins and 5 for working servers in the Management Group of the Multidisciplinary Groups from Court of Justice (GGEM).

Divided in three modules, with a 24-hour class load, the course will be live, with the classes beginning scheduled to May 4th at the School. The activities schedule will count on a negotiated-expositive class in which the concepts of the discussed subject on that module will be worked. The practical classes will be developed from the proposition of a conversation circle with the students so that they can synthesize the entire theoretical framework exposed along the course.

About the professor:

Carlos Mendes Rosa - Doctor

Psychologist. Assistant Professor at the Psychology Course at Federal University of Tocantins. Professor of the Post-Graduation Program in Science and Health Education at Federal University of Tocantins. Professor of the Post-Graduation Program in Jurisdictional Assistance and Human Rights UFT/ESMAT. Doctor in Clinical Psychology, from PUC-Rio, with an internship at Coimbra University, 2015. Master in Clinical Psychology, from PUC-Rio, 2012. Specialist in Clinical Psychopathology, from Paulista University, 2007. Associated Researcher of the Interdisciplinary Lab of Research and Social Intervention (LIPIS) from PUC-Rio. Invited Researcher of the Cognitive Psychology Institute at Coimbra University. Productivity Scholarship Holder at Federal University of Tocantins. Speaker about Mental Health, Ageing, Human Rights and Work Life Quality themes.


Luísa Carvalho Miranda de Lima-  Specialist

Psychology Graduated from Catholic Pontifical University of Goiás, 2012. During the graduation period, she was directed to researches in the Socio-Historical area, focusing in Childhood and Adolescence. She performed the final clinical area internship with a focus on Psychoanalysis Theory. Psychoanalysis Theory of the Lacanian Guidance Specialist, at the Psychoanalysis Institute of Bahia, linked to the Psychoanalysis Brazilian School, 2015


Franciana Di Fátima Cardoso - Master

Law Graduated from Catholic Pontifical University of Goiás (2001). Post-Graduation in Procedural Law from FESURV/AXIOMA (2005). Lawyer from 2001 to 2008. Hourly paid professor. Public Defender of Tocantins State. Currently attending a Jurisdictional Assistance and Human Rights course at Federal University of Tocantins (UFT) and School of Judges of Tocantins (ESMAT). Coordinator of the Promotion and Woman Rights Specialized Core (NUDEM) of the Public Defender of Tocantins State.


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