Training Course on the Brazilian Forensic Interview Protocol (PBEF) starts

In order to train professionals to act (understanding, handling and practice) in the hearing of Special Depositions of Children and Adolescents, victims or witnesses of violence, in court proceedings, applying the Brazilian Protocol of Forensic Interview (PBEF), the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT) initiated the course on Training in the Brazilian Forensic Interview Protocol (PBEF), for accredited professionals who work in the courts of Araguaína, Gurupi, Dianópolis, Porto Nacional, Miracema and Paraíso do Tocantins, as well as the technical managers of the Multidisciplinary Teams Management Group (GGEM), in charge of this Protocol.

Classes will be held until July 1st, 2021, and the course will be taught remotely, via Esmat's Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), with live web classes, lectures through the Google Meet Platform - synchronous dialogues - and asynchronous dialogues (VLE).

About the professors:

Reginaldo Torres Alves Junior holds a doctorate in Clinical Psychology and Culture from the University of Brasilia, 2013, with a doctoral internship funded by Capes at the University of Alabama (USA) in 2012, in the area of forensic interviews with child victims of violence. Psychologist and Master in Psychology, University of Brasilia, 2005. Specialist in Domestic Violence against Children and Adolescents, from the University of São Paulo, 2006. He is currently a judicial analyst in the Psychology area at the Court of Justice of the Federal District and Territories, where he is the supervisor of the Reference Center for the Integral Protection of Children and Adolescents in Situations of Sexual Violence at the Children and Youth Court. Trainer of supervisors and forensic interviewers certified by the National Council of Justice.

Simony Freitas de Melo holds a degree in Pedagogy from the Federal University of Pernambuco. Specialized in Training Human Resources for Education at the Frassinetti College in Recife. She has a master's degree in Education from the Graduate Program in Education of the Teacher Training Center at UFPE. She researches and studies the areas of Curriculum and Cultural Difference, Non-School Education; Legal Pedagogy; Pedagogue in the Judiciary; Humanization in the Care of Children and Adolescent Victims of Violence; Special Deposition; Special Listening. Pedagogue at the Court of Justice of Pernambuco.

Marleci Venério Hoffmeister holds a degree in Social Work from the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos/UNISINOS, 1998. Master's Degree in Social Service, Pontifical Catholic University of RS/PUCRS, 2012. Specialist in Domestic Violence against Children and Adolescents, by LACRI/University of São Paulo/USP, 2001. Judicial Social Worker of the Court of Justice of RS/TJRS, since 2002. Currently she is the technical advisor of the Coordinator of Childhood and Youth, in RS. National tutor and trainer, for the National Council of Justice (CNJ), in Special Depositions and Listening to Children in the Justice System, a partnership between CNJ, the NGO CHILDHOOD and UNICEF. Instructor of training courses on special hearing of children and adolescents in several states in Brazil.

Márcia Maria Borba Lins holds a degree in Social Service from the University of Brasilia, 1993. For 23 years she has been a judicial analyst - social service - at the Court of Justice of the Federal District and Territories (TJDFT). She is currently part of the team at the Women's Legal Center (NJM) at the TJDFT. Academic background: specialist sociodramatist, by the Brazilian Federation of Psychodrama (FEBRAP). She has experience in: Situations of Domestic Violence against Children and Adolescents and Gender Violence against Women; in Individual and Group Care to the Situation of Violence. National trainer and tutor of forensic interviewers and supervisors of forensic interviewers, by the National Council of Justice. She trains professionals of the Integrated Center May 18th, in Brasília, and, since 2010, professionals of the courts of justice in the topic of the Special Testimony.

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