Esmat starts Leadership Development Program customized for the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins

Aiming to significantly contribute to a better management of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins, the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT) started, last Thursday (7th), the Customized Leadership Development Program for the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins.

Divided into six modules, the classes will be held until June 28th, 2021, via Esmat's Virtual Platform. The program is aimed at magistrates and public servers of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins and its main objective is to develop a leadership development program for the Judiciary, contributing to the achievement of the goals set by the Institution for the 2021-2023 biennium.

Esmat's executive director, Ana Beatriz de Oliveira Pretto, says that the course will present new guidelines for the Judiciary's actions in the country. "This is an excellent opportunity to update the Judiciary's Board of Directors, as we have had the opportunity to interact with the best professors in Brazil, so that together we can find viable solutions to complex problems, with a focus on the next global trends," she said.

About the Professors:

Clara Lúcia Sacchetto Linhares

Master's degree in Administration, from Novos Horizontes College, in 2008. Post-Graduate in Clinical-Institutional Psychopedagogy, from Simonsem Integrated Colleges, in 1997. Graduated in Psychology, by FUMEC, in 1983.

Humberto Falcão Martins

PhD in Administration from Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration of  Getulio Vargas Foundation (EBAPE/FGV), Rio de Janeiro, 2003. Master in Public Administration from the Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration of  Getulio Vargas Foundation (EBAPE/FGV), 1995. Specialist in Public Policies and Governmental Management, from ENAP, 1996.

Maria Felisbela Esteves Fernandes

MBA in Marketing - Coppead - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), in 2004. Executive MBA in Services - Coppead - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), in 2002. Degree in Psychology – Humanities College Pedro II, Rio de Janeiro/RJ, in 1994.

Mércio Rosa Júnior

Master's in Marketing and Strategic Management from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), 1998. Specialist in Financial Administration from João Pinheiro Foundation (FJP), 1991. Graduated in Electrical Engineering from Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), 1984.

Renata Vilhena

Lato Sensu Specialist in Public Management and Urban Legislation, from Cândido Mendes University - Minas Gerais, 2014. Specialist in Public Administration, from João Pinheiro Foundation, 1991. Graduated in Statistics, from UFMG, 1985.

Paulo Vicente dos Santos Alves

PhD in Administration from Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV), 2005. Master in Public Administration from Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV), 2000. Graduated in Mechanical Engineering from Military Institute of Engineering, 1988.

Virgilio Augusto Fernandes Almeida

PhD in Computer Science from Vanderbilt University, 1987. Master in Computer Science from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), 1980. Graduated in Electrical Engineering from Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), 1973.

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