Registration is open for the Brazilian Sign Language course (LIBRAS) - Level II

With the objectives of expanding the training of male and female servers, Judges, trainees and interns on the use of Brazilian sign language (LIBRAS) and knowledge to the deaf difference as a legitimate manifestation of human behavior; and to communicate in Libras in basic / intermediate level, in order to contribute to the social inclusion of the deaf in the state of Tocantins, with a view to accessibility for the deaf community, the School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins opens, until February 22nd, registration for the Basic Course of Brazilian Sign Language (LIBRAS) - Level II. 

Fifty vacancies are being offered, and the course will be held from February 22nd to May 10th, 2022.  The classes will be held through Esmat's Virtual Learning Environment and the Google Meet Platform, live, mandatory, and take place every Tuesday, from 9am to 11:30am.


To register, click here .

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