Registration for the course on Special Testimony - The Humanized Hearing is now open

Registrations are open and will be extended until May 7th, 2021 for magistrates of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins interested in participating in the Special Testimony - The Humanized Hearing course. The course is held by the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT) and aims to train magistrates who work in the special testimony of children and adolescents in situations of violence, thus providing them with an opportunity to better conduct court proceedings that deal with the topic, as well as enabling a better dialogue with the System of Guaranteeing the Rights of Children and Adolescents who are victims of violence.

With 40 vacancies, the course will have a certification workload of 50 hours and will take place from May 21st to June 29th, 2021. The classes will be in the Distance Learning modality, in Esmat's Virtual Environment (AVA).

Among the specific objectives of the course are: To apprehend the guidelines of Federal Law No. 13,431 of 2017, with a focus on the Special Testimony; To know the guiding principles of the forensic interview; To understand the benefits and the minimization of secondary damage to victims or witnesses of violence that the Special Testimony allows; To understand theoretically the technical procedures used in the Brazilian Protocol of Forensic Interview.

About the professors:

Hugo Gomes Zaher – Master in Constitutional Law (ITE, 2009). Judge of the Court of Justice of the State of Paraíba, 2012. Academic Coordinator of Distance Learning and Professor at the School of Judges of Paraíba. Member of the Executive Leadership Program in Early Childhood Development (Harvard/NCPI, 2018). He also composes the Board of Directors of the Brazilian Association of Magistrates of Childhood and Youth (ABRAMINJ) and he is the president of the National Forum for Protective Justice (FONAJUP). He is also a member of the National Forum of Childhood and Youth of the National Council of Justice (FONINJ).

Márcia Mesquita – Technical Analyst; social worker at the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins; professor/coordinator of the Social Service course at the Lutheran University Center of Palmas (CEULP). Graduated in Social Service, from the Pontifical Catholic University of Goiás; Master in Jurisdictional Provision and Human Rights, from the Federal University of Tocantins (UFT), in partnership with the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT); specialist in Judicial Management, from the Educational College of Lapa (FAEL); Specialist in Education, Development, and Educational Policies, from Adelmar Rosado College (FAR); specialist in Administration and Planning of Social Projects, from University of Grande Rio, (UNIGRANRIO); specialist in Public Management, from University Foundation of Tocantins (UNITINS); specialist in Domestic Violence Against Children and Adolescents, from University of São Paulo (USP). Member and current coordinator of the Research Ethics Committee (CEP) of CEULP.


To access the Notice, click here. 

To register, click here.



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