Servers from the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins participate in a course on Public Procurement Planning

The Planning Public Procurement with the Formalization of Preliminary Technical Studies course (Term of Reference, Basic Project, and Adoption of the Price Registration System), taught in the Distance Learning modality by the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT), started on May 26th and will last until May 6th.

The course is intended for public servers (permanent and commissioned) of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins, or for public servers from other agencies assigned to work at the Court's Directorates and act in the process of contracting goods and services, from the issue of Terms of Reference, Basic Project and Adoption of the Price Registration System, as defined by the respective directors of the Court. Among the objectives are to train and update the staff through a practical approach to the main aspects related to the phases of the bidding process, with emphasis on the Preliminary Technical Study and the Term of Reference, and the Price Registration System, through the presentation of good practices in conducting bidding processes, making participants able to plan public purchases and anticipate possible failures in bidding processes.

For the judicial technician Ênio Carvalho, who participates in the course, this is the opportunity to acquire new knowledge, expecting a lot of learning and collaboration, whenever possible. "I look forward to this training in Public Procurement, especially when the discussions bring much of our reality and what we have in planning instructions so far, to disseminate knowledge of these guidelines among the servers of TJTO, and, in the opportunity, seek improvements in the instructions of hiring, "he said.

Those responsible for the instruction of hiring processes - bidding procedures - need to know the legal mechanisms and practices that ensure the preparation of basic projects without vices or technical imperfections. For the public manager to be successful in the contracting process, it is necessary to have knowledge and learning of modern material management techniques, without prejudice to others that are specific to the government's reality, among them Law no. 8,666, of 1993.

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