Perception, education and historical contextualization of the struggles for rights are debated in the sixth panel of the Public Security and Human Rights course: A Restorative Look

The perception and understanding of rights, the access to education and the whole historical context of the fight for equity, valorization of life and the new perspectives of Human Rights in the country were the themes approached in the sixth panel of the Public Security and Human Rights course: A Restorative Look. On the agenda, the performance of the security forces and the interrelation with Restorative Justice.

Opening the lecture cycle, the magistrate Antônio Dantas de Oliveira Júnior, creator of the course, emphasized the importance of the course as a shaper of social perception, of the understanding of the place of speech and action of each human being. "I want to say to those of you who are watching us that our society, the collective perceptions of society are at the root of a thought that was molded according to the historical formation of Brazil, and in the case of the world, in this relative question of public security, of the prison system, and of restorative justice. In other words, the prejudices are impregnated in our collective unconscious. We need to assume our prejudice, because it is a fundamental preliminary step for this prejudiced idea to be overcome. To recognize that one is prejudiced is a fundamental premise. And this conquest to overcome prejudice often begins in a course like this one. In other words, it is not necessary for society to revolutionize, but for society to evolve, so that we can see not only the self, but also the other," he recalled.

In the first lecture of the afternoon, master professor Maicon Rodrigo Tauchert recalled that all Public Security actions must be based on the changes proposed by society in the guarantee of fundamental rights. "The best public security policy is called education. It is necessary to reduce the complexities of human rights to concepts. Every time we do that, we assassinate human rights and Restorative Justice. When I want a concept and from that assumption I act, since society is hyper dynamic, my actions must adapt to each moment, to this movement that society imposes on us", he said.

The second lecture was given by the Public Prosecutor Antônio Henrique Graciano Suxberger, from the State Prosecution of the Federal District and Territories. He emphasized the historical contextualization of the struggle for the implementation of public policies aimed at Human Rights. "If human rights are reduced to normative statements, is this reduction of the human rights category not one of the reasons why we have a brutal deficit in the implementation of rights? I say this because, from a historical perspective, of understanding the social demands underlying human rights, it seems to me much more adequate, precise, correct, and ethical to understand human rights as processes of struggles. Human rights are nothing more than the provisional results of the struggles of historically existing and situated people to put into practice access to the goods necessary for life," he said.

The third lecture was given by retired Judge Maria Sampaio Oliveira Lima, from TJBA. She emphasized the relevance and pioneering nature of the course in the training of all the listeners, "How does the experience of the State of Tocantins invite us to the theme of restorative justice in the community as a way to assist public security? This course is a pioneering interdisciplinary initiative to promote the forces of transformation from the perspective of restorative justice. There isn't in the history of Brazil, in the pedagogical history of the formation of our peers, and when I say peers, I mean our defense colleagues, facilitators, magistrates, law students, any course on human rights and public security with a restorative justice look", added the Judge.

Composed of eight panels, the course will take place through the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) of the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT), with activities that promote interactivity among the students, throughout the course, by means of chat, as well as access to the lectures and other tools that will help in the teaching-learning process.

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