Esmat begins the Groupalities, Active Methodologies and Institutional Supervision course

Started on Monday (3rd), the Groupalities, Active Methodologies and Institutional Supervision course, in distance learning modality. Held by the Superior School of Judges of the State of Tocantins, it is aimed at permanent or commissioned public servers, trainees and public servers from other bodies available to the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins, registered in the areas of Social Service, Psychology and Pedagogy who work in the operationalization of the programs in development linked to the Management Group of Multidisciplinary Teams (GGEM). Classes will be held in the Distance Learning modality and will last until September 30th.

The purpose of the course is to train public servers and professionals from the Multidisciplinary Teams Management Group (GGEM) to understand, apply, and manage group processes, the practice of institutional supervision of multidisciplinary teams, and the use of active methodologies in the context of the work process, both in the implementation of strategic projects and in the handling of lawsuits in the scope of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins.

The activities will take place through Esmat's Virtual Learning Environment - Moodle Platform - and participation in the web classes is required.

About the professors:

Jorge Antônio Nunes Bichuetti is a specialist in Public Health and Social Medicine from the Medical School of UFMG; in Institutional Analysis and Schizoanalysis from President Antônio Carlo University; and in Homeopathy from the Homeopathy Specialization Center. Graduated in Medicine from the Medical School of the Mineiro Triangle, in Uberaba-MG.

Jonatha Rospide Nunes holds a degree in Psychology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, 2003, with practices in the emphases of Clinical and Community Psychology. Master in the Graduate Program in Psychology, Fluminense Federal University, 2010, having as a research theme the implementation of social policies aimed at ensuring the rights of children and adolescents in street situation. Specialist in Preceptorship in SUS, from Sírio Libanês Institute of Ensino and Research, 2016. Professional experience in Psychology, with emphasis on Educational Psychology in Higher Education (teaching, research and extension) and Technical Advisory (matricial in alcohol and other drugs and clinical-institutional supervision).

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