Villas Boas Is Honored At The National School Of The Judiciary

In recognition of the merits and relevant services rendered to the teaching, research and improvement of the Brazilian Judiciary, Justice Marco Villas Boas, general director of the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat) and president of the Permanent College of Directors of State Schools of the Magistracy (Copedem), was awarded the Medal of Merit of the National School of the Judiciary (ENM) on Monday (February 10th) in the city of Brasilia-DF. The Medal is awarded to natural or legal persons, national or foreign, who, for their merits and relevant services rendered to teaching, research and improvement of the Brazilian Judiciary, deserve the distinction. 

The ENM Medal of Merit is one of the most important awards in the field of the Brazilian Judiciary and it is intended for personalities who stand out for their contribution to the improvement of Justice and the Judiciary.

For the general director of Esmat, the recognition comes from years of investment in the education and training of the magistrates of the state of Tocantins. “Over more than two decades, Esmat has invested in academic training on current topics, in line with national debates, which has made it stand out for its excellence in training of magistrates of the state of Tocantins. And the results are visible, not only in the improvement of judicial service for the community, but also in the lato and stricto sensu programs it runs, which now, in 2025, will include its first doctoral program, developed in partnership with the Federal University of the state of Tocantins,” he said.

Regarding Copedem, the justice stressed that the honor consolidates the efforts of the College to seek mechanisms for the academic improvement of Brazilian magistrates.

“One of our objectives with Copedem is precisely to ensure equity in the process of sharing knowledge, encompassing schools of the judiciary from all regions of Brazil,” he said. 

About the honor

The honor was granted by ENM in the person of Justice Nelson Messias de Morais, director-president, as well as in the person of Judge Frederico Mendes Júnior, president of the Association of Brazilian Magistrates (AMB). The award of the ENM Medal of Merit to Justice Marco Villas Boas represents recognition of his work and dedication to the judiciary, as well as his commitment to the training and improvement of judges from the state of Tocantins.

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