With The Support Of Esmat And Copedem, A Professional Master's Degree In Judicial Provision And Human Rights Forms Its First Off-Site Class In The State Of Acre

With the collaboration of the Federal University of the state of Tocantins (UFT), the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat) and the Permanent College of Directors of State Schools of the Magistracy (Copedem), magistrates from the Judiciary of the state of Acre (TJAC) received their certificates of completion of the Master's Degree in Judicial Provision and Human Rights - Off-site Class on Thursday (February 6th). On the occasion, Justice Elcio Mendes, Judge Andréa Brito and Judge Clóvis Lodi received their diplomas, marking an important step in the qualification of professionals in the Judiciary of the state of Acre.

The event was attended by several authorities, including Minister Gilmar Mendes, of the Supreme Federal Court (STF), and Governor Gladson Cameli, of the state of Acre, both in virtual participation. Senator Alan Rick; Professor Tarsis Barreto, coordinator of the Master's Degree; Ana Beatriz de Oliveira Pretto, executive director of Esmat; and Justice Marco Villas Boas also attended the ceremony.

In his speech, Justice Marco Villas Boas, general director of Esmat and president of Copedem, highlighted the trajectory of the Master's program in Human Rights since its implementation, going through the stages of selection for the Master's, that is currently in its 13th evaluation process, up to the approval of the Doctorate, which selection process for its first class is underway. 

The justice emphasized that the dialogue with the academic community made it possible to create a special Master's class focused on the Northern Region of the country, in order to make up for the historical lack of stricto sensu training in the area. “There have been many efforts to implement this Master's degree, from its conception to the completion of the first Doctorate class. This program, which is professional in nature, represents a milestone in the training of professionals in the area, filling a historical gap in the Northern Region of the country. The closure of the first off-site class and the arrival of the first PhD class is testimony to the success and relevance of this program for the development of the Human Rights area,” he recalled. 

For the coordinator of the Master's program, Professor Tarsis Barreto, the ceremony to award the diplomas to the first graduates represents a symbolic moment for the program, crowning the success of its first off-site class, providing an unprecedented qualification opportunity for judges and justices from the Northern Region.

About the master’s

The creation of the Master's program represents a victory in overcoming the challenges faced by the Northern Region in terms of access to high-level education. The initiative, which has the support of Capes, reflects a paradigm change in stricto sensu training in Brazil, valuing regional diversity and promoting inclusion. Developed by Esmat in partnership with UFT, the Professional Master's Degree in Judicial Provision and Human Rights is currently in its 12th academic class, with a new selection process underway.

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