“Nobody does great things alone, it's a team effort,” said the CEO of ENM.
On Monday (10th), the National School of the Judiciary paid tribute to the authorities who, with commitment and excellence, strengthen teaching, research and the improvement of the Judiciary. The medals of merit were awarded during the 9th meeting of the AMB Council of Representatives, held in the city of Brasilia.
The following magistrates were honored:
- Justice Marco Anthony Steverson Villas Boas (General Director of the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins - Esmat);
- Justice Fernando Cerqueira Norberto dos Santos (Vice-President of the TRE-PE);
- Judge Ana Conceição Barbuda Sanches Guimarães Pereira (TJBA);
- Judge Luciane Buriasco Isquerdo (TJMS);
- Justice Jayme Martins de Oliveira Neto (TJSP);
- Minister of the TST Douglas Alencar Rodrigues;
- Judge Frederico Mendes Júnior, President of AMB (TJPR);
- Minister of the STJ Benedito Gonçalves, represented by Federal Judge Ilan Presser;
- Justice Maria Erotides Kneip (TJMT).
During the ceremony, director-president of the ENM, Justice Nelson Missias de Morais, thanked the honorees for their support for legal education and stressed the importance of collective work: “I'm grateful for the support of president Frederico Mendes Júnior and everyone who has helped to build ENM over these more than 70 years. In recent years, the school has established new partnerships and launched its first postgraduate course. This was possible thanks to the dedication of everyone. No one does great things alone, it's a team effort”.
In his speech, the president of AMB, Frederico Mendes Júnior, thanked Justice Nelson Missias for his work and stressed the transformative role of education for the future of the judiciary: “Every day, new ideas emerge in education, and Justice Nelson is one of those thinkers in legal education. He has managed to establish important partnerships abroad, taking hundreds of magistrates to courses at renowned institutions, and has launched the first postgraduate course of ENM. Congratulations on your dynamism, your vision and your work”.
Minister of the TST Douglas Alencar Rodrigues spoke on behalf of the honorees and said he was honored by the recognition of AMB, which is part of his career. “It's a great honor to return to this associative space. I was vice-president of AMB for two terms. Today we live in a time of profound social and technological transition and we need to open up and understand social demands. This tribute serves as a stimulus for us to keep dreaming and believing in the transforming power of our actions.”