Six bicycles, soccer balls and boots, perfume, school supplies, baskets of sweets and dolls are among the toys and items collected by magistrates and civil servers of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins for the Post Office Santa Claus Campaign.
In partnership with the Brazilian Post and Telegraph Company, the Judiciary of the state of Tocantins organized the collection of gifts for the children of the city of Palmas. 200 letters were sponsored, 20 of which came from institutional care homes in the capital. The gifts were delivered to the Post Office on Tuesday (December 10th).
The action, led by the Coordination of Childhood and Youth (CIJ/TO), counted on the voluntary participation of civil servers, magistrates and members of the community, who mobilized to meet the requests of the letters sent by the children. The campaign, which began in November, collected a large number of toys, clothes and school supplies.
Judge Adriano Gomes de Melo Oliveira, from the CIJ/TO, tells us how it was organized. “For many years now, the Court of Justice has been doing this work at Christmas to provide happier moments for children. This year the CNJ entered into this partnership with the Post Office and it was great because it increased the opportunity to encourage civil servers and magistrates to take part in the campaign.”
More important than these material souvenirs is the work we do on a daily basis, such as the schooling and professional qualification projects, says the magistrate.
“I was very excited about this initiative, because it's a moment of great reflection. One of the goals of the 2023-2025 biennium is to reduce social inequalities and the Judiciary carrying out this action has a very big impact on early childhood, it shows that we value the lives of our children and adolescents,” says Rosa Maria Gazire Rossi, assistant Judge of the Presidency.
The “Santa Claus at the Post Office” campaign has been held annually for 35 years and it aims to fulfill the requests of children in situations of social vulnerability. The partnership with the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins is essential to expand the reach of the campaign and provide a special Christmas for more children.
Jonatas Padilha, advisor to the Palmas Post Office, says that the main message of this project is love, and that this partnership with the TJ to sponsor children in a state of vulnerability is very important. “Although the children don't know how this partnership works, they are grateful. Partners like the Court of Justice are invaluable to this action”.