The extrajudicial offices in the state of Tocantins that underwent in-person inspections during the 2023-2025 biennium and stood out for their excellence in service provision will be awarded the “Quality Seal” in the gold, silver and bronze categories by the General Internal Affairs of Justice of the State of Tocantins (CGJUS). The ceremony will take place next Friday, December 6th, at 2pm, in the auditorium of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO).
Aimed at recognizing improvements in performance and good management practices, the Quality Seal is an initiative of the CGJUS, instituted by the Provision No. 27/2021, and it is part of the Goal 10.
“The awarding of the seals is a solemnity that not only denotes the commitment of the delegates to extrajudicial activities in their offices, but also highlights the importance of these services to society. This moment of celebration is very important for us to realize that we are working together, promoting integration,” said Esmar Custódio Vêncio Filho, the assistant Judge supervising the Notary and Registry Services.
The following criteria were taken into account when scoring services for the seal:
- Facilities;
- Accounting and tax compliance;
- Labor and Social Security compliance;
- Tax compliance;
- Organization and Conservation of the Collection;
- Compliance with the Supplies of the CNJ and CGJ/AM, Feeding the Open Justice System - CNJ, and sending data to other systems or bodies and entities to which they are obliged by law or regulation;
- Order of specific books, according to each specialty and observance of related legislation when carrying out acts;
- Attendance to the public and timely responses to citizen requests;
- Atendimento ao público e respostas tempestivas aos requerimentos do cidadão;
The gold seal will be awarded to offices that score 9 points or more; the silver seal to those that score between 7.5 and 9 points; and the bronze seal to those that score between 6 and 7.5 points.