Special Esmatcast In Honor Of The National Arbor Day

Alluding to the Arbor Day (September 21st), the September episode of the EsmatCast features Cinthia Azevedo, an environmental engineer at Cogersa/TJTO; Thiago Oliveira Bandeira, an environmental engineer and PhD in Environmental Technology; and Marla Guedes Cordeiro Carvalho, a forestry engineer and Master in Forestry and Environmental Sciences. The theme was “Arbor Week in the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins - 2024”.

Concluding the Arbor Week programming, which aimed to encourage reforestation, the episode dealt with the challenges related to reforesting degraded areas, highlighting the importance of planting seedlings and seeds native to the cerrado, as well as reinforcing the benefits of environmental restoration and afforestation projects, as well as environmental education.

Between January and August of 2024, fires consumed around 4 million hectares of forest in the Brazilian cerrado, 79% of which was native vegetation. 

“We hope that environmental quality is close at hand, reaching a consensus between environmental preservation and urban development,” emphasized Thiago.

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