Justice 4.0 Publishes A Call For Proposals To Produce E-Learning Courses And Teaching Materials

The Justice 4.0 Program has launched a call for tenders for a company specialized in creating courses and pedagogical objects for distance education. Registrations can be submitted until 5pm on September 24th, 2024.

Proposals must include the creation, scripting and development of synchronous and asynchronous courses, as well as the production and editing of videos, MOTION GRAPHICS, graphic materials and promotional pieces. The call for tenders requires the contracted company to have the technical capacity to offer services such as pre-production, post-production and subtitling of videos.

The aim of the notice is to promote training related to the Justice 4.0 Program, which seeks to boost the digital transformation of the Brazilian Judiciary to ensure faster, more effective and more accessible services.

The courses and educational objects will be aimed at magistrates and civil servers of the Judiciary, with the aim of strengthening the institutional capacities of the CNJ and improving information management and capacity building within the scope of the program.

The contract will have an initial duration of 12 months, with the possibility of extension for a further 24 months. Payment will be made after approval of the products delivered, according to the previously agreed schedule. The analysis and approval of the materials will be the responsibility of the UNDP, the Justice 4.0 team and the Technical Committee of the CNJ, within a period of up to 15 working days.

Submission of proposals

The proposals submitted must fully comply with the requirements set out in the call for proposals, including presentation of the company, its portfolio and the required technical capacity certificates. In addition, a person responsible for technical coordination must be appointed, with proven training and experience. Proof of the experience of the company and other team members is also mandatory.

Other mandatory criteria are proof of the ability to expand the team in a qualified manner in response to possible adjustments in the number of publications to be reviewed simultaneously. Proof will be provided by sending a list of reviewers associated with the company, with their respective CVs.

The evaluation criteria include technical analysis (with a weighting of 70%) and price (30%). Proposals must be submitted via bidding system of the UNDP, which offers a user guide on the official website.

Companies that have not yet registered can register to take part. If you have any questions, please contact the following e-mail address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. When you access the tendering system of the UNDP, simply search for the specific proposal using search filters and sign up.

Justice 4.0

The Justice 4.0 Program is the result of a partnership between the National Council of Justice (CNJ) and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). The initiative has the support of the Federal Justice Council (CJF), the Superior Court of Justice (STJ), the Superior Labor Court (TST), the Superior Council of Labor Justice (CSJT) and the Superior Electoral Court (TSE).

More information:

Access the public notice for the hiring of a company specialized in providing services for the production of courses and pedagogical objects for training in distance learning format.

Deadline for applications: 5pm on September 24th of 2024.

Services and planned products

  1. Asynchronous course design - up to 4 hours
  2. Asynchronous Course Development - From 5 to 12 hours
  3. Asynchronous Course Development - From 13 to 20 hours 
  4. Asynchronous Course Development - 21 to 30 hours
  5. Visual Identity 
  6. Adaptation of graphic material 
  7. Video script adaptation and revision 
  8. Textual Material 
  9. Draw my life/whiteboard
  10. Motion graphics
  11. Video Animation with 2D Characters 
  12. Video/Video Class - Studio 
  13. Video/Video Class - Remote/online 
  14. Video Interview - In loco/presencial 
  15. Video Interview - Remote/online 
  16. Video editing
  17. Voiceover
  18. Subtitling in Portuguese
  19. Foreign language subtitles 
  20. Video with LIBRAS interpreter - Studio 
  21. Video with LIBRAS interpreter 
  22. Promotional material

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