Public Hearing Of The Stj Will Discuss Innovation Goals In The Judiciary On The 24th

The Superior Court of Justice (STJ) has called a public hearing for July 24th at 2pm to discuss the importance of innovation goals in the Judiciary. The event will take place virtually, via the Zoom platform, for those selected to speak during the hearing, and it will be broadcast live on the YouTube channel of the STJ for the general public.

People interested in participating as speakers must apply by July 19th, using the form available at this LINK. Each speaker will have 5 minutes to speak. The final list of qualified speakers, with their presentation times, will be published on July 22nd on the website of the STJ.

For more information or to send additional documents, please contact the following EMAIL address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

National goals of the judiciary 

The main purpose of the public hearing is to discuss the goals of innovation in the Judiciary, a topic that concerns innovation labs. STJ Lab, the Innovation Laboratory of the STJ, is responsible for proposing structural and systemic changes that result in the improvement of public services offered by the STJ to society (STJ/GP Ordinance No. 12 of January 14th, 2020).

It is also part of one of the initiatives of the STJ to meet the National Goals of the Judiciary, monitored by the National Council of Justice (CNJ). The national goals represent the commitment of the Brazilian courts to improve the provision of justice, seeking to provide society with a faster service, with greater efficiency and quality.

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