Tjto Launches Public Notice For The Election Of The Ethics Committee Of The Judiciary Of The State Of Tocantins

Foto: Cecom/TJTO

The notice for the election of the Ethics Committee of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins (PJTO) was published in the Justice Diary of the State of Tocantins this Monday (April 29th). Those interested in running have from May 2nd to 13th to register their candidacy using the GOOGLE FORMS form. Click here.

Stable or stabilized civil servers who are members of the permanent staff of the PJTO, of unblemished reputation, who are not being prosecuted for an act of administrative improbity, criminal action or disciplinary administrative procedure (inquiry or Disciplinary Administrative Process - PAD) may apply.

When registering their candidacy, the candidate must declare that they are not being prosecuted for an act of administrative improbity, criminal action or disciplinary administrative procedure (inquiry or Disciplinary Administrative Process - PAD); attach certificates of no criminal action and no administrative improbity issued in the last 30 days by the registry offices of the courts (State Courts) and judicial sections (Federal Courts) where they have resided in the last five years, as well as a certificate from the unit in which they work as to the absence of a disciplinary administrative procedure.

Voting will take place from June 17th to 26th, 2024, using this form. Three full members and three substitutes will be elected, in descending order of votes and without prejudice to the duties of the position. The term office of the Ethics Committee is two years, with a reappointment permitted, and there is no remuneration.

The electoral commission, which will conduct the process, is made up of civil servers Alexs Gonçalves Coelho (Judicial Clerk), Daniella Lima Negry (Judicial Analyst) and Brunno Campos de Oliveira (Judicial Technician).

Ethics Committee Notice





Publication of the opening notice of the electoral process


April 29th, 2024

Deadline for registration of candidacy

 10 days

May 2nd to 13th, 2024

Publication of the notice with the list of registered candidates


May 15th, 2024

Deadline to contest registered candidacies

5 days

May 17th to 21st, 2024

Deadline for the decisio of the Electoral Commission on challenges

5 days

May 22nd to May 27th, 2024

Publication of notice with the final list of registered and qualified candidates


May 28th, 2024

Voting period

10 days

June 17th to 26th, 2024

Announcement of the final result


June 27th, 2024


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