New Sustainable Logistics Plan For The Judiciary Of The State Of Tocantins Gets A More Accessible Version In Simple Language

A socio-environmental strategic management tool for the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins (PJTO), the new Sustainable Logistics Plan (PLS), which has been in force since December of 2023, will guide the actions of the PJTO during the 2024/2026 biennium.

Guided by the Resolution 400/2021, of the National Council of Justice (CNJ), the new PLS of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins is more objective, aiming to maximize its reach to the entire staff and thus result in greater effectiveness. The document addresses issues such as water, energy, printing, waste management, renovations and construction.

Simple Language

In addition, the document has been produced in simple language. Unlike the original publication, which has 14 pages, the simplified model comes in a single page, with objective texts and visual elements that make it easy to understand. 

"The version of the Sustainable Logistics Plan of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins in simple language and with visual facilitation tools is an innovation of the TJTO, a product of the Unraveling the PLS Project and developed by our Innovation Center Inovassol," said Justice Ângela Prudente, President of the Sustainable Logistics Plan Management Committee (CGPLS). 

"As such, it emerges as an instrument to overcome the challenges faced in disseminating this important strategic instrument among magistrates and employees," explained the Justice, adding that the initiative aims to provide a PLS accessible to the entire staff, "regardless of their level of knowledge about sustainability, informing them in a simple, clear and objective way of the goals and guidelines proposed in the plan, in order to give it greater effectiveness in favor of environmental and social responsibility actions."

The design in simple language was created by artist Sidan Orafa and brings out the essence of the Plan, so as to help disseminating its guidelines in an easy, understandable and accessible way to both internal and external audiences.

Objectives and goals

The plan consists of objectives and targets to be met by 2026. Reducing paper consumption by 30%; the use of disposable cups by 100%; the consumption of disposable packaging for mineral water and the generation of waste by 45%; the amount of printing equipment by 60% and spending on outsourcing contracts by 15% by 2026; as well as promoting the conscious and clean consumption of electricity and water resources are among the objectives and targets of the PLS.

Check out the new PLS in simple language:


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