Journalism Of The State Of Tocantins Celebrates Recognition And Appreciation At Awards Ceremony And Presentation Of Postgraduate Certificates

Foto: Hodirley Canguçu

April 11th became a date to remember for the journalists from the State of Tocantins who gathered in the auditorium of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO) on Thursday evening. The meeting was marked by the Award Ceremony for the Winners of the Esmat Journalism Award and the presentation of the certificates for the Lato Sensu Postgraduate Course in Strategic Legal Communication in the Digital Age. In a very symbolic way, in the month that commemorates the Journalists' Day (April 7th), the event highlights the importance of journalistic work in the democratic consolidation of our country .


During the opening of the event, Kézia Reis, Director of the Social Communication Center of the TJTO, expressed her gratitude as one of the graduates and reflected on the mission of the Judiciary to get closer to society through communication and the importance of guaranteeing access to justice. 

"Today I'm speaking, it's a speech of mine, it's a speech of thanks, it's a speech of a student, it's a speech of someone who has been working in the Judiciary for ten years, but who has had the opportunity to learn more about our masterpiece, our raw material, which is legal language. So, in these months we have had a long journey at the School of the Judges, involving several press professionals, also involving colleagues from other departments, so that we could really broaden our knowledge and promote a justice system that is closer, more innovative and also more aware of its role," she said.

Foto: Hodirley Canguçu


Kézia also highlighted the challenges faced by the journalistic profession and the perseverance to maintain dignity and commitment to the truth, even in difficult times. "We know how important access to justice is for the society today. And we've talked a lot within this journey of the Judiciary, this relationship with the press, the fundamental role that communication plays in this approach. (...) even though I've been working here in the Judiciary for ten years, I come out of this postgraduate course with much broader knowledge, with even deeper training in this area that I love so much, which is to guarantee, through communication, an even greater access to justice to society," she explained.

In addition, the communications Director also stressed the importance of valuing the journalistic profession, thanking Esmat for its support as an institution that provides opportunities. 

"We know how hard our profession has been through. In order to maintain ourselves, we've gone through difficulties, in order to maintain ourselves, we've lost our tone, but we haven't lost our dignity, we haven't lost our desire to always bring the truth, to guarantee a more dignified society, a fairer society, mainly through access to justice. We know that without justice we can't guarantee our main rights, we can't guarantee our constitutional rights, so it's very important that we have this awareness. As journalists or in the press, we know that a support like that from Esmat, which is a school of reference, was a great privilege for us," she concluded.

When speaking about the need to strengthen relations between the press and institutions in order to promote constructive dialogue, Justice Marco Villas Boas, General Director of Esmat, recognized the relevance of the Award and the Post-Graduation as an initiative of the Judiciary to value journalists from the State of Tocantins. 

"That's why the press has to be aware of its relevance in the democratic scenario and improve itself, in other words, get to know the institutions better. I think the institutions have to get to know the press better, this dialog is essential, it's a dialog that was lacking in the State of Tocantins," he said.


Foto: Hodirley Canguçu


The award was created with the aim of stimulating and valuing journalistic productions that highlight actions in defense of social justice, human rights and the improvement of judicial provision. Divided into six categories (TV journalism, web journalism, radio journalism, photo journalism, print journalism and academic journalism), the winners are from g1 Tocantins, Anhanguera TV, CBN Radio and the Federal University of the State of Tocantins (UFT).

Check the names of the winners:

In the telejournalism category

1st Place – Gessica Viana (Anhanguera TV) – Violentometer: system helps monitor protective measures in the State of Tocantins

2nd Place -– Ana Paula (Anhanguera TV) – Project rescues 19th century court cases and turns stories into animations / Police of the State of Tocantins investigate case of Brazilian man who took two years to prove he was alive

3rd Place – Thiago Rogeh (Anhanguera TV) – Education gives inmates a second chance in Tocantins

In the webjournalism

1st Place – Marco Túlio Câmara (g1 Tocantins) – 'Allowing yourself is an act of great courage': says student who shows her own gender transition on social media

In a statement, Marco Túlio emphasized that initiatives like the Esmat award are fundamental to recognizing the social role of journalism. 

"I was very surprised, happy and proud of the award. Journalism needs support and encouragement. Awards like this one from Esmat value the social role of journalism, since our work should serve as a tool for social change. Our work is essential for the advancement of society in gaining rights and visibility for people who have been marginalized for so long," he said.

2nd Place – Patrício Reis (g1 Tocantins) – Framework judgment creates pathways for sustainable use of water from the Formoso River basin for irrigating crops

3rd Place – Kaliton Mota (g1 Tocantins) – Land regularization guarantees dignity and fulfills the wishes of families who dreamed of saying: 'our little house'

Kaliton expressed his satisfaction at the recognition, emphasizing the importance of this award in his journalistic career. "It was a great honor for me as a recently graduated journalist, at the height of my 23 years, to win an award as important as this. It's recognition for my work, not only as a TV reporter, which is my current role, but also as a web reporter. I was very happy to be recognized, and I also know that it shows that my work is making sense and that I'm on the right track," he shared.

Photojournalism Category

1st Place – Vilma Nascimento (g1 Tocantins) – Couple smiles as they get their home ownership document

2nd Place – Otávio Frabetti (g1 Tocantins) – Woman shows key of the house she dreams of regularizing 

Radiojournalism Category

1st Place – Thaise Ferreira Macedo Rosa

2nd Place – Deyse Gomes (CBN Tocantins) – Project proposes to increase the effectiveness of the Maria da Penha Law in the State of Tocantins

Print Journalism Category

1st Place – Fred Alves de Oliveira

Academic Category

In the sixth and final category, aimed at academics, the highlight was the productions on digital vulnerabilities, legal malfeasance and political polarization.

1st Karolliny Neres de Oliveira

2nd Nicole de Almeida Adler

3rd Ana Luisa Duarte de Miranda

In her comments, Ana Luisa thanked her classmates and professor for their collaboration in producing the award-winning documentary. "It was a very gratifying moment, a recognition of our work, a documentary made by many hands, journalism students eager to maintain democracy and the full exercise of our field. I would like to thank our supervising professor, Dr. Ingrid Assis, who played the role in a very responsible and careful way, always encouraging us to follow an ethical journalistic practice, and all my colleagues who made this documentary possible: Aryana Penno, Larissa Mendes, Yuri Felipe Sousa, Glenda Barros, Lúcia Moraes, Lucas Miranda, Ileana Lopes, Iara Ferreira, Nívea Ayres, Pérola Venâncio, Eduarda Formiga, Maria Carolina Azevedo, Caroline Carvalho, Márcia Oliveira, Ailton de Paiva (Darley), Danilo Barbosa, Yasmin Oliveira, Vanessa Silva Costa, Kaliton Mota, Ana Lissa Alves, Thais Oliveira and Gabriel Silva Carvalho. This award is ours and that of the Journalism course of UFT," she said.

Foto: Hodirley Canguçu


Professor Ingrid Assis showed her pride and satisfaction at the achievement, reiterating the importance of the award in recognizing academic and journalistic work. 

"As a professor in the Journalism course at UFT and the supervisor of an award-winning work, I am very happy and proud to see the work of our students being recognized in an award with such an important social purpose. I wish the award of Esmat long life and that we can always compete with the journalism produced by our university students," she said.

Post Graduate

Developed by Esmat, twenty-two professionals have successfully completed the Postgraduate course in Strategic Legal Communication in the Digital Age. For the coordinator, Professor Valdirene Cássia da Silva, the course "was a rich opportunity for those looking to stand out in the field of legal communication. In an increasingly digital world, understanding decentralized and fluid communication processes is essential for journalists and communication advisors to be able to solve the complex challenges posed by the communication of today."

The following professionals completed the specialization:

Alessandra Bonfim Bacelar de Abreu Adrian

Aurora Augusta Fernandes da Cunha Milhomem

Bruno Vieira de Melo Aguiar

Cinthia Gomes de Abreu

Daianne Fernandes Silva

Elisangela Pereira de Farias

Gisele Oliveira de Meneses Burjack

Gles Cristina do Nascimento

Gleydsson Circuncisão Nunes

José Eduardo de Azevedo Gomes Rodrigues

Kézia Reis de Souza

Marcelo Santos Cardoso

Maria Ângela Barbosa Lopes

Melânia Kássia Barbosa e Silva

Nayla Angélica de Oliveira Moraes

Paula Márcia Bittencourt Viana Klein

Pedro Thiago Macêdo Oliveira

Samuel Darlan Ribeiro de Abreu Adrian

Vilma Oliveira do Nascimento

Wherbert da Silva Araújo


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