Counselor Of The Tce/To And Coordinator Of The Institute Of Accounts October 5th Wagner Praxedes Pays Courtesy Visit To Esmat

During a visit to the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat), with a view to partnership and exchange activities between Esmat and the Institute of Accounts October 5th, the Dean of the Court of Auditors of the State of Tocantins (TCE/TO) and head of the 3rd Rapporteurship, José Wagner Praxedes, presented the General Director of Esmat, Justice Marco Villas Boas, with a copy of the book he wrote, "External Control - 30 Years of Judgments". The book celebrates his three decades at the Court.

Foto: Ednan Cavalcanti

Published by Dialectic Editor, the book was prefaced by the Minister of the TCU, Benjamin Zymler, has 10 chapters and provides an overview of issues relating to the supervision of public management, whose reports, votes and decisions are part of the work as examples of the topics covered in the work of External Control. The Councilor reports on the analysis of topics such as Personnel Acts; Contracts; Power of Caution; Social Security; Consultation; Accountability; Assignment of Public Property; Application of a Pecuniary Penalty and Liability Crime.

With information from Ascom TCE/TO.

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