Esmat launches a campaign to collect literary books for indigenous village

With two holidays and a series of commemorative dates, the month of April is marked mainly by the awareness of the fight against prejudice and the establishment of public policies to guarantee the human rights of indigenous peoples. The date April 19th is dedicated to the celebration of the indigenous culture and heritage throughout our Continent.

This month, besides the 20th anniversary of the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT), the National Library Day (9th), the National Children's Book Day (18th) and the World Book Day (23rd) are also being celebrated. With this in mind, in commemoration of these dates, Esmat will be holding a campaign to collect literary books for the Awã Canoeiro Indian village.

About the donation

New and/or used books of Brazilian literature, mainly literature for children, can be donated, among the genres of novel, novella, short story, chronicle, poem, theater, and drama.

Collection Point

Donations will be accepted, from Monday to Friday, from 12 noon to 6 pm, at the Esmat Library (Address: Q. 302 North Street 1, 1-165 TO Zip Code 77006-328 – North Master Plan, Palmas-TO) and at the reception of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO) (Address: Tocantins River Palace of Justice Girassois Square City Center, TO, 77001-002).

I don't have any used books, how can I contribute?

The incentive to reading is done with quality books. Therefore, for those who want to support this action, we have organized a list of books that can be bought online and sent to the School. You can check it out clicking here.

Other donations

We are also accepting donations of new or used clothes, sheets, towels, blankets, in good condition. If you have these items and are not using them, do your part and donate. Donations can be made until May 30th, 2023.

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