TJRJ hosts a meeting to define the FIPP-ONU colloquium program - Rio 2024

Foto: Brunno Dantas/TJRJ 

It was held at the Court of Justice of the State of Rio de Janeiro, this Monday (April 17th), a preparatory meeting for two major events of international scope: the Colloquium of the International Penal and Penitentiary Foundation (FIPP), based in Bern, Switzerland, and the Forum of the Latin American Permanent Committee for Crime Prevention (Coplad), of the Latin American United Nations Institute for Crime Prevention and Offender Treatment (ILANUD). The meeting aimed at organizing the Colloquium program, as well as defining the agendas for the Forum, which will be hosted by TJRJ in April 2024.

The president of the Court of Justice of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Justice Ricardo Rodrigues Cardozo, attended the opening of the meeting and reaffirmed the commitment of TJRJ to offer all the means to hold the Colloquium, which takes place every two years. 

"I wish and am sure that you will have a productive meeting. The Court of Justice of the State of Rio de Janeiro will not measure efforts to promote a great event and we will make all means available to make it happen", said the president of TJRJ.

University of UN  

Representatives from several States were present in order to promote a joint alignment for the events that will take place in the Full Court at the TJRJ, on April 15th and 16th of next year (2024), as well as the project to implement a United Nations University campus in the city of Rio de Janeiro.

The meeting was chaired by Justice Cristina Tereza Gaulia, regional coordinator of Coplad. It was decided that national and international authorities will be invited to the event, as well as the debaters.  

"This event is very important because it is the business card for the UN to implement the UN university here in Rio de Janeiro. Which is a university focused on projects and programs that will be financed by the United Nations and they are of great importance", emphasized Justice Cristina Gaulia.

Relevant social themes will be presented to the whole international community, such as the project developed by TJRJ Itinerant Justice, which takes citizenship to thousands of people in the State of Rio de Janeiro, in prisons, needy communities, homeless people, among others. It was agreed among the members of the preparatory meeting that a visit to the Complexo da Maré and to the Itinerant Justice project, which is based at Fiocruz and serves all the communities surrounding the slum complex, will be scheduled.  

Among the guests defined for the event are the ministers Luís Roberto Barroso, from the Federal Supreme Court (STF), and Maria Thereza de Assis Moura, from the Superior Court of Justice (STJ).

The 2nd Vice-President of the Court of Justice of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Suely Lopes Magalhães, and Professor Edmundo Oliveira, coordinator of Coplad/Ilanud in Brazil, participated in the organizing table of the event.  

The group will meet again on October 9th to continue the preparations for the Colloquium and the Forum. The meeting will take place, again, at the Court of Justice of the State of Rio de Janeiro.

Click here to access more images of the meeting. 


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