On the Indigenous Peoples' Day, April 19th, the Secretariat of Originated and Traditional Peoples (SEPOT) will launch the Project on Network of Access to Justice for Traditional and Originated Peoples of the State of Tocantins (REJUSTO) in partnership with the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT), State Public Defender's Office (DPE), Union Public Defender's Office (DPU) and the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO). The event will be held in the Manoel Alves village of the Krahô people, in the city of Goiatins, and it will be attended by Governor Wanderley Barbosa, who will visit the territory for the first time.
Rejusto is a project of the Government of the State of Tocantins that aims to facilitate access to justice for indigenous and quilombola communities, making them aware of their rights and duties in the full exercise of citizenship, as well as providing an opportunity for a better service by the organs and entities that make up the Justice System. The servers will also receive racial literacy to better understand the reality of the original and traditional peoples in their cultural plurality, thus respecting the principles of efficiency and human dignity.
The event will be attended by state and regional political authorities, as well as the local indigenous community, and it is expected to be attended by about 300 people. During the occasion, the governor Wanderley Barbosa will receive the baptism, an honor granted by the Krahô People, in a ritual presided over by Hotxuá, a village elder and the greatest leadership of the Krahô People. The governor will be given all the trappings and gifts as provided for in the ritual.