To celebrate the 20th anniversary of the new Civil Code, the Judicial Research Center of the Brazilian Magistrates Association (CPJ/AMB) and the Federal Council of the Brazilian Bar Association (CFOAB) have opened registration for the Contest of Articles on "20 years of the Civil Code". The selected texts will be part of an exclusive publication that will be released in a scientific event at the Superior Court of Justice (STJ).
The competition covers two categories: one for members of the judiciary associated with the AMB, and another for lawyers registered in the OAB. Twenty-four texts will be selected from the list of Judges and Lawyers, which must cover one of eight subject areas: General Part, Obligations, Contracts, Civil Liability, Things, Family, Succession, and Digital Law. "The purpose of this contest is to foster debate and academic production regarding the application and interpretation of the codified Civil Law", stated the National Chief of Justice and Director of the CPJ of AMB, Minister Luis Felipe Salomão (STJ).
The article should be unpublished and co-authored papers may be submitted, provided that the co-author is also a member of AMB. The paper should have a minimum of 10 pages and a maximum of 20 pages, including text boxes, footnotes, endnotes and any attachments. Applications will be accepted until June 30th, 2023.
For more details, read the announcement here.
To register, click here.