Opening the Judiciary Year, president Maia Neto emphasizes good results in 2019 and designs TJTO 2020 with more efficiency, celerity and security

“It was, with no doubt, a challenger year, but with much work, dedication and effort. We had excellent results”, the president of Court of Justice of Tocantins (TJTO) has summarized, Judge Helvécio de Brito Maia Neto, opening the Judiciary Year in solemnity this Thursday (feb. 6th), in the Court Full, of which the representatives of powers, Justice System, political authorities, magistrates and State Court servers participated.

“We had excellent results, notably in relation to the Fiscal Responsibility Law, that in the first four months period of 2019 was in 5,07 and in the third four months period fell to 5, what moved away our alert limit rate definitely, that is 6,4”, has emphasized Maia Neto, also remembering that the Stimulated Retirement Program, represented an exemption of about R$ 12 million in expense with the staff.

“All of that is a fruit from planning and organization, policies that aim to reduce the cost of the public machine”, he has emphasized. The president of TJ also emphasized the significant changes in the functional structure, by Organic Law of Judiciary Branch (Law 10/1996) and of the Law 2409/2010 that treats about the Plan of Positions and Careers of the Judiciary Branch servers. As a result, the judge has emphasized, among other positive points, the servers appreciation, physical and mental, as the proposal of creation of a Psychosocial Assistance Core (NAPSI), actions like the creation of commissioned positions for effective servers of the 1st degree of jurisdiction and the implementation of the Qualification Additional (AQ). 

 Quick, secure and efficient Justice

Another point emphasized by Judge Maia Neto was the judiciary organization policy implemented to equalize the increasing demand with the available work force, with the goal of achieving the institutional mission of the Judiciary – Ensure the citizenship through the distribution of a quick, secure and efficient justice. “The work force redressing deserves an emphasis promoted in purpose to bring more efficacy to the jurisdictional provision that needs to advance with the implementation of the unified registries”, the Judge has emphasized, reinforcing that, among the several adopted strategies, the court and district restructuring have allowed the servers movement to places with more demand, avoiding the excess or lack of servers in the judiciary unities. 

Maia Neto has also emphasized the migration of e-Proc –TJTO to the National Eproc, propitiating a better agility in trials, mainly to the collegiate agencies, making available, that way, what is more modern to the magistrates, servers and partners of the justice system, everything in benefit of the jurisdicted. Reduction of the process cost, by strategies that aim to improve the performance and the magistrates and servers productivity. That is one of the challenges to 2020 revealed by the president of TJTO during the solemnity. Another point will be the fulfillment policy continuity of the Resolution number 88, of the National Justice Court (CNJ). During the solemnity the 2019 activities reports of TJTO were given, General Magistrate of Justice and of the School of Judges of Tocantins (Esmat)


Representing theGgovernor Mauro Carlesse, the vice Governor Wanderley Barbosa has affirmed being important to reinforce even more the institutional relation among the three branches. “The current government wants to stablish a legal relation with the three branches. And we can just stablish it through the Justice, Judiciary Branch and the control agencies”, he has affirmed.

The Justice Prosecutor General of the State, Maria Cotinha Bezerra Pereira, has ensured a full support from the State Service Prosecution to the Judiciary Actions in 2020 and dispose itself to participate in the strategies and actions definition that involve the Justice System. “I am sure that Tocantins counts on a mature and ready Judiciary to face, with technical knowledge, more complex schedule that can arrive at this House”, she has emphasized.

“At that important moment of processual transitions, the Brazilian Bar Association assumes its legitimate position of partnership of the Court of Justice of Tocantins”, Gedeon Pitaluga, the OAB-TO president, has ensured referring to the migration process to a new version of National Eproc. And he has even remembered, among other points, that OAB has made a support staff available that, in contact with TJTO staff, serves lawyers on line.

The General Public Defender of the State, Fábio Monteiro, has emphasized the work performed in a constant partnership between Public Defender of the State and TJTO, among which several signed cooperation terms. “There is no how to be from Tocantins without recognizing the jurisdictional assistance evolution offered here”, he has affirmed.

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