The book “Comments on the New Authority Abuse Law” is due to be released next month, written by the magistrates Sergio Ricardo de Souza and Willian Silva. The work is currently in pre-sale and will be available for sale by Juruá Publisher on June 3rd, 2020.
With 196 pages, the work moves away from the ideological issue, it critically addresses the various provisions that integrate the Law of Authority Abuse No. 13.869, of 2019, and analyzes the entire content, even that of the general provisions, article by article, tracing a parallel with the constitutional and penal legislation in force, as well as with the repealed Law nº 4,898, of 1965, all in order to provide Law professionals and other areas of knowledge with sufficient and updated content on the protection of individual rights inserted in this important and controversial Law.
The comments include the constitutional aspects and reflexes not only criminal, but also civil and administrative, in relation to the themes in which that expansion is necessary, besides following the didactic citation of examples and jurisprudence based on judgements reasoned on similar types, provided for in the repealed Law.
As noted by the authors, the New Authority Abuse Law was edited in a period of great social disturbance and notorious ideological polarization, as proved by the various vetoes it suffered, many of them overthrown in record time. That polarization stigmatized the new Law, with the slogan of "revenge" against members of the criminal justice system, for its firm role in combating crime, especially in large operations, such as Lava Jato.
The book will be available for purchase on the website:
About the authors:
Sérgio Ricardo de Souza – Post-Doctor in Law, from the University of Coimbra. Professor at the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES). Former Prosecutor. Law Judge at TJES. He has taught classes at several School of Judges in the country, having given lectures at the Federal University of Tocantins.
Willian Silva – Master in Law. Director of the School of Judges of Espírito Santo (EMES). Judge of the 1st Criminal Chamber of the Justice Court of Espírito Santo.