The judicial demands regarding the provision of services of public health actions in the State of Tocantins, as well as the advances in care for users of the judiciary achieved through the State Health Committee – CES, were discussed during the meeting of the State Health Committee (CES – TO) held on the morning of Thursday (9th) in the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT). The meeting was attended by the counselor of the National Council of Justice, Dr. Richard Pae Kim, supervisor of the National Forum of the Judiciary for Health, the Chief Justice of the Court of the State of Tocantins, Dr. Maysa Vendramini and the coordinator Dr Milene de Carvalho Henrique.
On the occasion, Justice Marco Villas Boas, General Director of Esmat, honored the counselor with the Esmat Medal for his contribution to the construction of knowledge, encouragement of good practices, and academic and professional dedication to scientific research and the improvement of judicial provision in relation to health, in compliance with the constitutional principle of efficiency. In his speech, Justice Marco Villas Boas stressed the importance of events like the CES – TO meeting.
“This discussion is a fundamental question of the most sacred rights of the human being, which is the access to health care, and it deserves attention from all the powers so that there can be a full discussion of the health care system. We need to look at the judiciary as the guardian of the constitution,” he argued.
According to Justice Maysa Vendramini, Chief Justice, debates such as the ones promoted by CES-TO, with the participation of different representatives of agencies, strengthen the actions of the Judiciary. “it is very important for the General Internal Affairs of Justice to understand where the health challenges are in the State. For Judge Milene de Carvalho Henrique, coordinating Judge of the State Health Committee of the State of Tocantins, the meeting was positive: “we had the participation of the CNJ counselor who coordinates and supervises health organizations, the National Health Committee, as well as the Chief Justice, the auxiliary Judge of the Presidency, and other members, and it was more than established that inter-institutional dialogue and open discussion bring benefits and ideas to build a better SUS for everyone”, she argued.
For Richard Pae Kim, CNJ counselor, the meeting was extremely important, for this Council to understand the functioning of the Health Committee, which is a reference for the whole country.
“Considering the diversity of the bodies and participants and how the work has been done here in the State of Tocantins I congratulate everyone. The National Council of Justice has considerations that will then be forwarded here to the Committee. I am sure that the population is the one who wins with it”, he stated.
About CES - CNJ
The State Health Committee is currently composed of representatives from various bodies that deal directly or indirectly with public health in the problematic area, among which we can mention the magistrates from the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins and the Federal Court, public defenders from the State of Tocantins and the Union Public, State Prosecution from the State of Tocantins and the Union, State Audit Prosecution of the State of Tocantins, State Audit Court, Office of the General Attorney, Superintendents and Directors of the State Health Secretariat and of the city of Palmas and Araguaína, Ministry of Health – DENASUS, State Health Council (CES), Council of Municipal Health Secretariats (COSEMS), Regional Nursing Council (COREN), Regional Medical Council (CRM), Federal University of the State of Tocantins, NatJus State of Tocantins, NatJus Municipal of the city of Palmas and NatJus Municipal of the city of Araguaína.
The Committee is in charge of monitoring lawsuits that involve the provision of health care, such as the supply of medications and products, exams, surgical interventions, availability of ICU beds, etc. The Committee also has the mission of coordinating and executing actions of specific nature, considered relevant in the scope of healthcare and attention services, and to propitiate the ample and open dialogue in favor of the previous composition for the solution of collective demands in order to reach society. The State Health Committee also discusses the implementation and the difficulties and obstacles of public policies, with the intention of building concrete proposals for the realization of the right to health and a means of providing the direct interlocution of the actors involved in public health, operates with the possibility of resolving them quickly and administratively.
With information from the site of the State Health Committee CES - TO