In recognition of his helpful contribution and relevant services rendered to the enhancement of academic activity of the Judiciary of the State of Acre, Justice Marco Villas Boas, General Director of the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT) and president of the Permanent College of Directors of the State Schools of Magistracy (COPEDEM), was honored with the Jorge Araken Medal on Monday morning (6th) in the city of Rio Branco, capital of the State of Acre. The honor was granted by the Advisory Board of the School of the Judiciary of the State of Acre (ESJUD) and it was delivered by Justice Regina Ferrari, General Director of the School.
The commendation was instituted last year by the Ordinance number 2.558, 2022, with the purpose of honoring and awarding legal personalities, as well as those from other areas of scientific knowledge, in addition to active and inactive magistrates and civil servers for relevant services rendered to the School. On the occasion, Justice *Caetano Levi Lopes, former President Director of the National School of Magistracy (ENM)* was also one of the honored.
Jorge Araken
One of the founders of TJAC, Justice Jorge Araken passed away in 2020. However, he will have his memory and legacy perpetuated with the appreciation of personalities who contributed to the enhancement of the Judiciary of the State. He was also a Master in Law, a professor, a lawyer, a writer, a philologist, a professor and a researcher. Thus, he will continue to inspire new generations about ethics, loyalty, dignity, eternalized as Patron of Legal Studies.