Judge Marco Villas Boas honors the inauguration of new educational spaces in Brasilia

Judge Marco Villas Boas, president of the Permanent College of Directors of State Schools of Magistracy (COPEDEM) and General Director of the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT), participated on the morning of Tuesday (17th), in the inauguration of new educational spaces at the headquarters of the National School for the Training and Improvement of Magistrates (ENFAM), in Brasília.

The entity's new physical spaces were designed so that teachers and students have more resources to develop educational activities. The auditorium was named in honor of Judge Eladio Lecey, who was one of the founders and icons of judicial education in Brazil and an indispensable trainer in the scientific and pedagogical development of Enfam. Two more rooms are yet to be inaugurated. The spaces are also named in honor of the judges Nildo Nery dos Santos and Cristovam Daiello Moreira.

The opening ceremony was attended by the president of the Superior Court of Justice and the Federal Justice Council (CJF), Minister Humberto Martins, and the school's general director, Minister Og Fernandes. 

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