Esmat Journal and Master'S Degree in Judicial provision and Human Rights are well evaluated by CAPES

After the Quadrennial Evaluation of the Coordination of Improvement of Higher Level Personnel (CAPES), the foundation of the Ministry of Education (MEC), responsible for the expansion and consolidation of the Post-Graduation STRICTO SENSU (master’s and doctorate) in all Brazilian States, the Stricto Sensu Post-Graduation Program in Judicial Provision and Human Rights (PPJDH), promoted by the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT) in partnership with the Federal University of the State of Tocantins (UFT), received a grade of 4 in the evaluation, being able to offer a doctorate in Judicial Provision and Human Rights, starting in 2003.

Also in the evaluation promoted by Capes, the Esmat Journal, a scientific journal published by the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins, rose from QUALIS B4 to B1. The QUALIS classification is the way Capes values the quality of scientific production journals.

Currently, the Professional Master’s in Judicial Provision and Human Rights is in its 9th class, with an ongoing selection process for the 10th class in 2022. The Esmat Journal, which had its first issue published in 2009, is published every six months and is now calling for articles for the second half of 2022. The deadline for submitting the academic papers for review is September 15th, 2022.

For the General Director of Esmat, Justice Marco Villas Boas, the good evaluations carried out by Capes reflect the concern of the School in promoting access to the academic research through its Stricto Sensu post-graduation program. “These two positive evaluations are the recognition of the commitment of each professor of the Master’s program, as well as of the technical and multidisciplinary team, besides strengthening the partnership between Esmat and UFT”, he said.

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