The Book Collection Campaign of Esmat receives donations from the forum of the city of Araguaína

The librarian at the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT), Silvânia Olortegui, visited the Forum of the city of Araguaína on Thursday (15th) to analyze, select and separate the material that the County received from the Bartolomeu Bueno da Silva State School and André Luiz Spiritist School.

In all, about six thousand books were donated by the Schools, which will be displayed for the “Geladeiroteca” (Ice cream Library) of the Forum and for the Library of the Barra da Grota Prison, in the city of Araguaína. The oldest copies, which could not be used or recycled, will be recycled by the Friends of the Environment Ecological Movement Association (AMEAMA).

Together, during the book selection process, were the secretary of the Court, Cleitiane Alves de Barros, responsible for the “Geladeiroteca” (Ice cream Library), and the facilitator Eliene Diniz da Silva, representing the Barra da Grota Prison Library.


Make your donation

The Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT) promotes, until October 15th, the “Donate Books” campaign for the Regional Penal Unit of the city of Palmas, which currently houses about 650 inmates.

With the support of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO), the General Internal Affairs of Justice, the State Secretary of Citizenship and Justice (SECIJU), and the Forums in all districts, the campaign aims to encourage the use of reading as a facilitating tool for social reintegration, and thus enable the participants to have their sentences remitted.


About the donations

New and/or used books of Brazilian and/or foreign literature can be donated, among the genres of novel, short story, chronicle, poem, theater, drama, cordel. Also self-help and religious books.


Collection Point

Donations are being accepted from Monday to Friday, from 12 pm to 6 pm, until October 15th, 2022, at the Library of Esmat. Address: Q. 302 North 

As doações estão sendo aceitas, de segunda a sexta-feira, das 12h às 18h, até o dia 15 de outubro de 2022, na Biblioteca da Esmat. Endereço: Q. 302 Norte Alameda 1, 1-165 TO Zip Code 77006-328 – North Director Plan, Palmas - TO.

About the sentence remission

Originating from the Resolution number 391, of May 10th, 2021, by recommendation of the National Council of Justice (CNJ), the project, created from SECIJU/TO Ordinance Number 709, of September 2nd, 2021, published in the State Official Diary number 5.924, which regulates the remission of punishment by reading, says that the registration must occur voluntarily, and, according to the Ordinance, the participants will be entitled to the remission of four days of the sentence per book read, having a limit of 12 works per year. Thus, the prisoner has the possibility to remit up to 48 days of his sentence every twelve months.

At the end of the reading of each work, the participant must prepare a summary or other document, including drawings or oral presentation for those who are not literate and are also entitled to participate in the Project. This document will serve as a proof that the reading was done, which will be evaluated by the Commission for Validation of the remission of Part of the Sentence by Reading. The evaluation will be qualitative, taking into consideration the interest and dedication of the participant.


For more information: Communication — Telephone (Branch): 3218 - 4259; WhatsApp: (63) 99216 - 8770; E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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