The National Council of Justice (CNJ) will put a survey online to capture the perception of people who use the services of Justice and operators of the Justice System who work in the search of rights from the courts. The answers will make it possible to understand how the current dynamics of access to the justice system, the services provided by Justice and the forms of communication between court and citizen are perceived and evaluated.
According to the executive director of the Judicial Research Department (DPJ/CNJ), Gabriela Moreira, the questions in the "Survey on the Perception and Evaluation of the Brazilian Judiciary" will not require much time from those who agree to participate in the survey. "It is a free adhesion survey, with closed questions and multiple choice answers. The participant should take five to ten minutes, maximum, to answer", said the head of the sector responsible for collecting and processing the information. Besides people who have filed lawsuits in the last five years, the survey will collect perceptions of members of the legal profession and the Public Prosecutor's Office and Public Defender's Office.
The participation in the survey is optional and anonymous; it is not necessary to provide a name to answer. The personal information provided in the questionnaire will remain confidential. Age, education, sex, and gender identity, among other data that characterize the respondent, will be used only to verify the correlations between the answers and the social groups – defined by declared ethnicity and informed income range, for example.
The survey is one of the performance indicators of the macro-challenge “Strengthening the Institutional Relationship of the Judiciary with Society”. The macro-challenge belongs to the National Strategy of the Judiciary 2021-2026, a result of the national strategic planning process conducted by the CNJ with the Governance Network of the Judiciary and instituted by Resolution CNJ number 325/2020.
The Brazilian courts are part of the mobilization to obtain the largest number of responses, under the coordination of the CNJ.