Return of courses and face-to-face events agitates the meeting of the servers of Esmat

After almost two years since the beginning of the pandemic, on Monday afternoon (25th), the employees of the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT) participated, this time in person, in an internal meeting that takes place weekly in the institution.

On the agenda were relevant issues for the team, including the academic guidelines for the return to face-to-face courses and events. The positive expectations of a return to face-to-face academic activities at the School for the year 2022 were emphasized. The executive director, Ana Beatriz de Oliveira Pretto, emphasized the importance of the team continuing to produce work based on respect, safety, and commitment to the community. Because of this, some of the security protocols will be maintained. For this reason, the activities will be limited, for now, to the auditorium of the school.

On the occasion, the librarian Silvânia Olortegui presented an institutional video with photos produced from the visits made by the team from the Indigenous Arts and Crafts Space Project of the School, between April 22nd and 24th, in the Kraolândia Indigenous Land, of the Mehin Krahô people.

Continuing the institutional project of creating a permanent exhibition space for indigenous handicrafts, the visit aimed at consulting and researching the handicrafts from the Pedra Branca and Manoel Alves villages. The team met with the leaders of each of the villages to present the project and, on the opportunity, listened to the women, men and young people working in the indigenous associations, in order to understand the meanings of the handicraft production of these people.

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