The library of esmat acquires new books to compose its physical collection

The Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT) has recently acquired several books. The new copies join the collection of more than 20,000 titles.

The works, which have already been catalogued and are available to registered users in the Library's system, have the names of renowned authors connected to the areas of Communication, Education, Law, and Social Sciences, such as Pierre Lévy, Paulo Freire, Darcy Ribeiro, Luís Mauro Sá Martino, and many others.

More than 140 books of several genres were acquired. This action, which expands the reading and study options, aims to reinforce the physical collection of literary and research works, reflecting on the quality of teaching and guaranteeing access to information for magistrates, servers, academics and society.

The books can be borrowed obeying the rules of withdrawal and return of the responsible department (Judges, public servers and students of post-graduation courses LATO and STRICTO SENSU).


Digital Collection

In order to strengthen the virtual collection, Esmat has recently subscribed to the MAGISTER NET (LEX) platform, in addition to the My Library and PROVIEW platforms. The School also has the digital platform suite VLIBRAS. The platform, with free access and free content, incorporates inclusion and accessibility tools to the School's portal.

Open to the public, from noon to 6pm, the Library is located at Esmat's headquarters, in the northern region of Palmas. If the user wants more information or is interested in just one chapter of the work, just contact us via e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., by phone (63) 3218-4357.

Check here the new available works.

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