Selection Process for Lay Judge changes the date of publication of the final result of Stage 1

The Commission divulges changes in the Schedule, item 7 of the Notice number 508 of TJTO, of September 20th, 2022, published in the DJe number 5272, as follows:

Publication of the final result of the Stage 1 and call for the Stage 2, as well as response to the appeals in the GSC: October 18th, 2022. Stage 2 – Interview October 24th, 25th, and 26th, 2022 and announcement of the provisional result of the Stage 2 – November 1st, 2022; deadline for appeals November 3rd and 4th, 2022.


For more information:

Check here the Notice number 546 / 2022

Check all other changes and the lists with the names in the Notice Number 508/2022.

Click here  to access the Notice number 439 ( Opening Notice).

Check also the Notice number 448 and the Notice number 452.


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