The importance of the judicial schools in implementing Virtual Justice was the theme of the lecture given by justice Marco Vilas Boas, general director of Esmat and president of Copedem

The virtualization process of the Judicial Provision in Brazil as the transit from analogical to digital in the Brazilian Judiciary, in the historical context of magistrates and servers, was debated at the opening of the second day of the IV Meeting of the Council of Presidents of the Brazilian Courts of Justice (CONSEPRE). Entitled “Virtual Justice between Human and Algorithm”, the lecture was given by Justice Marco Villas Boas, General Director of the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT) and president of the Permanent College of Directors of State Schools of Magistracy (COPEDEM).

The lecture is the result of an academic research developed by the Justice, which resulted in the scientific article on "Governance, Innovation and Smarter Technologies in the Judiciary", to be published later. In his speech, the Justice emphasized the importance of the Judicial Schools in the contribution and elaboration of mechanisms that implement laboratories and centers of studies and interdisciplinary researches about innovation and disruptive technologies, aiming at the improvement of their staff, in professional lato and stricto sensu levels, and development of projects and products that provide the implementation of governance and sustainability systems in the Judicial Power.

The Justice recalled the performance of Copedem, which even before the pandemic was already active in the functional improvement and scientific research, as well as in the creation of innovation and artificial intelligence development laboratories in the Judicial Academies and Schools of Magistracy. "The Judicial Schools, despite enjoying management autonomy, must participate in all stages of scenario analysis and development of strategies and actions necessary for the construction of the planning of the Courts, bearing in mind that they are not only the corporate arms of institutional improvement, with the only mission to meet the institutional demands, but also centers of intelligence and production of knowledge and innovations that can help understand the bottlenecks in the judicial system and assist in the diagnosis and improvement of internal processes to relieve the immense work overload with the use of increasingly intelligent technologies, but above all honoring the human being," he recalled.

About Consepre

Consepre, currently presided by Justice José Laurindo de Souza Netto, President of the Court of Justice of the State of Paraná (TJPR), aims to consolidate a national line of understanding in terms of restructuring the institutional representativeness of the Presidents of the Courts of Justice of the whole country.

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