Assistant judges and advisors participate in a lecture about the role of the Ecosystem in the Digital Transformation on the morning of the second day of Consepre

With a programming focused on themes related to technological innovation, the morning of the second day of the IV Meeting of the Council of Presidents of the Brazilian Courts of Justice (CONSEPRE) was marked by lectures and discussions about the digital transformations in the Judiciary and in the world.

The activities, which started on Thursday (October 6th), were opened by the General Director of the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT) and president of the Permanent College of Directors of State Schools of Magistracy (COPEDEM), Justice Marco Villas Boas.


When opening the first lecture "The Role of the Ecosystem in Digital Transformation", with the lawyer Ademir Piccoli, Justice Marco stressed his gratitude for the event. "I am very grateful to see happening these meetings around Consepre, which for me are structuring, of magistrates and information technology personnel", he said.

Still in his speech, he emphasized the importance of disseminating information in the Judiciary, "if we think of administrative management of the courts under a governance approach, we know that technical information cannot be isolated, it has to permeate all hierarchical levels, all internal structures. It has to be vertical, horizontal, transversal; it has to travel in all directions", he explained.

The Justice also emphasized how, despite the technological transformations and facilities, human contact is still essential for conflict resolution. "We cannot distance ourselves from it, living exclusively in the virtual world, as if we were a platform or a social network. The Judiciary is much more than this, it is often a warmth, it experiences dramas of the most complex family problems, situations that need support and interdisciplinary groups that attend to the human person", he concluded.

Lecture: "The Role of the Ecosystem in Digital Transformation”

Teaching "The Role of the Ecosystem in Digital Transformation" lecture, the lawyer and creator of the Exponential Judiciary, Ademir Piccoli, provoked important reflections on the analysis of which technologies can impact the Judiciary in the future.

In his speech, the speaker highlighted relevant points about the digital transformations and exponential opportunities for the courts of justice. "I'm a fan of the ecosystem premise, I think we need to make it a rule before starting to develop a project, use these communication groups to know if someone hasn't already done it", he commented. 

“We need the alignment between the digital strategy and the business strategy, the importance of increasingly walking together with technology and the business area so that we can make it happen. We have never lived a more opportune moment, it's time for IT to shine," he expressed.

At this first moment, the auxiliary Judges and advisors from the respective presidencies were present.

About Consepre

Consepre, which is currently chaired by the president of the Court of Justice of the State of Paraná (TJPR), Justice José Laurindo de Souza Netto, aims to consolidate a national line of understanding in terms of restructuring the institutional representativeness of the presidents of the Courts of Justice of the whole country.

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