Capes launches a call for submission of scientific articles for the female audience

Cláudia Queda de Toledo, president of Capes, announced on Tuesday (8th), the launching of a commemorative edition of the Brazilian Journal of Post-Graduation (RBPG) to promote the representation of women in the Brazilian post-graduation area, covering all areas of knowledge, but with a special emphasis on the productions of Law Science.    

In celebration of the International Women's Day, Capes launched a public call for a special edition of the Brazilian Journal of Graduate Studies. Until April 30th 2022, the Foundation will receive articles that discuss or analyze the roles of scientists, professors and researchers in the construction of science, technology and innovation in Brazil, as well as in the development of the National Post-Graduation System (SNPG).

The Foundation will evaluate the texts received in May, reserving the following month for editing and layout of the magazine. The publication, which will be from eight to twelve selected works, is planned for July.

The rules for submitting articles are in the guidelines for authors on the RBPG website. Renato Carvalheira do Nascimento, RBPG assistant editor, reminds that, when submitting the document, it is necessary to identify it as belonging to the commemorative edition.


About RBPG

The RBPG was created as an instrument for the dissemination of scientific knowledge developed in the Brazilian Post-Graduation. Since 2004, the publication has been consolidated as a space for debate on public policies for higher education in the country, through the publication of academic and scientific articles. 

Text with information from the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), an agency under the Ministry of Education (MEC). 

(Brasília — Editing CCS/CAPES)

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